Phillip Ha, Senior
Mt. Vernon High School

As the current president of both Mount Vernon High School’s Asian, Pacific Islander, American Club (APIA Club) and German Club (MVGC), Phillip Ha works for peace through his combined understanding of the transformative power of shared language and his desire to build respectful connections. College and Career Specialist Lauren MacGregor says, “Phillip has dedicated his time in high school to bridging communities together. He has advocated for the understanding, respect and empathy of different cultures. He would love to continue using his linguistic abilities to create an inclusive environment for all.”

Phillip grew up in a non-English speaking Vietnamese household. As the primary English language learner, he became the household interpreter. In middle school, he served as translator for a set of Vietnamese twins, newly arrived in the United States. These experiences gave Phillip the satisfaction of helping others through building connections and set him on the path of studying foreign languages as a way to bridge gaps and foster empathy.

This belief that languages are the key to meaningful cross-cultural exchanges and connections was strengthened when he and classmates attended the Virginia state-wide German Day at George Mason University. German Day encourages students to explore the role foreign languages can play in keeping peace, protecting the environment and connecting us as a community. In his role as president of the MVGC, Phillip helped his German teacher organize several fundraisers at school to fund the trip, selling cookies, gummy bears and German-themed snacks. They raised about $200 and sent more than 10 students to German Day. Phillip says the experience of attending German Day, “opened my eyes and showed me just how many people are working in and alongside me in building connections and bridges between communities through their passion for languages.”

Phillip plans to study foreign affairs in college (perhaps alongside his other passion, science and engineering), to continue to be a bridge between countries and cultures. He says, “I've been raised to value respect as we should always treat others how we want to be treated. As a result, I always offer a helping hand whenever I can because I know if I was in their position, I would have liked a guide to assist me in times of need. Moreover, getting to know more people, building connections, and having experience in communication provides a solid foundation in my future endeavors, whether they be peace-, career-, or personal-related.”