Loza Markos
West Potomac High School

Loza Markos traveled to her family’s home country of Ethiopia in 2014 when she was 10 years old.  She recalls, “Seeing all the kids my own age suffering in ways that so deeply contrasted with my own life was gut-wrenching. I saw a mirror of 10-year-old kids that looked like me, yet were completely different due to a small difference of origination. Nobody deserves the unending poverty they faced.”

Six years later, in high school, Loza acted on that concern and raised about $5000 through GoFundMe, part of which she used to create and pay for gift packages for Ethiopian students with disabilities.  She traveled back to Ethiopia in 2021 to volunteer at the Black Lion Hospital Cancer Treatment Center (‘Tikur Anbessa’ in Amharic), a major teaching hospital in Addis Ababa.  She assisted and taught children with chronic disabilities and illnesses.

Loza also served at the Nehemia Autism Center, a school for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. She says she is especially proud of her work teaching children in math and English and assuring their access to clean water by purchasing and delivering bottled water to the students and their families. The director of the school described her contributions by writing, “Loza Markos donated today 1000.00 birr ($400) to three parents. Besides the monetary help, she donated backpacks, pencils, exercise bikes, and bottled water to these families. She promised to continue her support to these families through Nehemia Autism Center.  We thank you very much on behalf of the parents. You are a good example for all of us.”

Her homeroom teacher, Allyn Howe, noted that “Loza’s work in teaching and charity in both Ethiopia and in the Alexandria area reflect her generosity and eagerness to improve the lives of those around her.”